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The UN warned North Korea to face 'pole hungry'


The United Nations forecast North Korea lacks about 860,000 tons of food this year and can undergo extreme hunger periods from the next month.

According to the report on July 5 of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), North Korea plans to produce nearly 5.6 million tons of cereals this year, meaning about 1,

Rice cultured farmers in Nampho City, Chongsan-ri Province, Korea, in May 2019.

If including 205,000 tons of food planned to import, Korea may face a shortage of about 860,000 tons of food.

If this missing part is not fully compensated through commercial imports or food aid, households can undergo extreme hunger period from August to October, the report said.

North Korea, which is suffering from many international sanctions due to a nuclear weapons program and ballistic missile, has long struggled with the shortage of constant food.

Besides, the series of storms last summer caused floods to devastate thousands of houses and made the farming soil flooded, causing serious crops.

North Korean leaders Kim Jong-un in recent months says that food situation is becoming stressful and warns people to prepare for the worst situations ever.

North Korea has experienced hunger nationwide in the 1990s, causing hundreds of thousands of people to die.

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